Fordham’s Abudarham: Who Crossed out the Censors’ Signatures? (Part 4)


On  Acselrad Sacerdote: Elio Toaff, Il registro del Mohel astigiano Shemuel Jarach (1600-1624), in Studi sull’ebraismo in memoria di Cecil Roth, Roma, Barulli, 1974, p. 294; Vittore Colorni, La corrispondenza fra nomi ebraici e nomi locali nella prassi dell’ebraismo italiano, p. 76, in Italia Judaica. Atti del I Convegno internazionale Bari 18-22 maggio 1981, Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 1983.

On  Abramo Poggetto: E. Toaff, pp. 296, 302; website Libri ebraici a Corte,

On Meir Luṣaṭo (presumed): George Margoliouth, Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan manuscripts in the British Museum, III, London, British Museum, 1915, no. 934; E. Toaff, pp. 295, 302; Elliott Horowitz, A Jewish Youth Confraternity in Seventeenth-Century Italy, “Italia. Studi e ricerche sulla storia, la cultura e la letteratura degli ebrei d’Italia”, V, 1985, 1-2, pp. 36-37, 72, 81, 86, 93; Kestenbaum, Auction 44. Fine Judaica. Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Graphic & Ceremonial Art, Thursday, June 25th, 2009, New York, Kestenbaum, 2009, lot 2, p. 1 (ill.); website Libri ebraici a Corte,

On Jacob Poggetto: Shlomo Simonsohn, History of the Jews in the Duchy of Mantua, Jerusalem, Kiryath Sepher, 1977, pp. 420-421; Abraham David, The Assistance of the Community of Cuneo to the Yeshiva of the Provençal Community in Safed, “Shalem”, 744 [1984], 4, pp. 437, 442-444 [in Hebrew]; Roni Weinstein, Marriage Rituals Italian Style. A historical anthropological perspective on early modern Italian Jews, Leiden, Brill, 2004, pp. 141-142; Id., Mock and Clandestine Marriages, Deceits, and Games, p. 156, note 25, in Shell Games. Studies in Scams, Frauds, and Deceits (1300-1650), Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2004; A. David, From sixteenth-century Provence to Eretz-Israel, pp. 154-155, in L’expulsion des Juifs de Provence et de l’Europe méditerranéenne (XVe-XVIe siècles). Exils et conversions; sous la direction de Danièle Iancu-Agou, Paris-Louvain, Peeters, 2005; Michael Ryzhik, La lingua dei volgarizzamenti giudeo-italiani: genesi, caratteri e sviluppi, “Medioevo letterario d’Italia. Rivista internazionale di filologia, linguistica e letteratura”, V, 2008, p. 160; Uri Safrai and Eliezer Baumgarten, “The Wedding Canopy Is Constituted by the Being of These Sefirot”: Illustrations of the Kabbalistic Huppah and Their Derivatives, “Jewish Quarterly Review”, CX, 2020, 3, pp. 434-436, 441, 452. About 20 mss. copied in Asti by and for J. Poggetto are now scattered in European, Israeli, and US libraries; altogether in the website Ktiv ( are recorded 25 mss. (mostly with full digital facsimiles) sub voce “Poyeṭo, yaʻaḳov ben Mordakhai”, dated 1578-1590, some of them have been described in G. Margoliouth, I, 1899, no. 227, III, nos. 773-776, 779-785, 791, Max Weisz, Katalog der hebräischen Handschriften und Bücher in der Bibliothek des Professors Dr. David Kaufmann, Frankfurt a. M., J. Kauffmann, 1906, A 248, A 526, and in Hebrew manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. Catalogue; edited by Benjamin Richler; palaeographical and codicological descriptions, Malachi Beit-Arié, Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jewish National and University Library, 2001, nos. 175, 634, 825, 1064. On the charges against Lazarino Poggetto and his parents: Renata Segre, Gli ebrei lombardi nell’età spagnola. Storia di un’espulsione, Torino, Accademia delle Scienze, 1973, p. 20; The Jews in Piedmont; edited with Introduction and Notes by R. Segre, II, Jerusalem, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1988, note to document 887, doc. 1404; The Jews in the Duchy of Milan, edited with Introduction and Notes by S. Simonsohn, Jerusalem, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1982, II, docs. 2666, 2764, 2776, 2781, 3087. On Angelino Poggetto: S. Foa, Gli Ebrei nel Monferrato nei secoli XVI e XVII, Alessandria, Gazzotti, 1914, pp. 76, 84-86; The Jews in Piedmont, I, 1986, docs. 1111, 1192, 1299, II, 1361, 1402, 1419, 1474; website Libri ebraici a Corte, see “Angelino Puggetti” and “Mordekhay Poggetto”. On the alternative Jacob Poggetto: S. Foa, pp. 76-77, 85-86, 95, 131; The Jews in Piedmont, II, docs. 1361, 1402, 1419. On Salomon Poggetto: G. Margoliouth, III, no. 934; Arthur Zacharias Schwarz, Die hebräischen Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, Wien; Prag; Leipzig, Strache, 1925, no. 59; E. Toaff, p. 302; The Jews in the Duchy of Milan, IV, 1986, doc. 4429; Hebrew manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. Catalogue, nos. 634, 1064. On Azariah Šalom Poyeṭo: E. Toaff, pp. 296, 302; Hebrew manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. Catalogue, no. 175. On Leon Poggetto: Salomone Jona, Abraham Salomon Graziani, poète hébreu du XVII siècle, “Revue des études juives”, IV, 1882, 1, pp. 124-125; Mauro Perani, Confisca e censura di libri ebraici a Modena fra Cinque e Seicento, pp. 304, 308-309, in L’Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia, Bari, Laterza, 1994; Federica Francesconi, Invisible Enlighteners. The Jewish Merchants of Modena, from the Renaissance to the Emancipation, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021, pp. 62, 69, 74-75, 84, 87, 97, 270. On Mošeh Poyeṭo: S. Foa, pp. 76-77; The Jews in the Duchy of Milan,IV, p. 2220; E. Toaff, pp. 296, 302.

On  Vincenzo da Matelica: The Jews in Piedmont, II, doc. 1494; website Footprints. Jewish Books through Time and Place,; Angelo Piattelli, Le edizioni ebraiche del XVI secolo della Biblioteca Angelica, “Accademie e Biblioteche d’Italia”, LIX, 1991, 1, nos. 20, 27, 35; Germano Maifreda, Lo strano caso delle lapidi abrase nel cimitero ebraico del Cardeto: inquisitori, vescovi e neofiti ad Ancona nel primo Seicento, p. 169, in L’inquisizione romana e i suoi archivi. Atti del Convegno Roma, 15-17 maggio 2018; a cura di Alejandro Cifres, Roma, Gangemi, 2019;website Ktiv, sub voce “Vincenzo de Matelica censor”,|FL60173586; website Libri Ebraici a Corte,, sub voce “Matelica”; website Orbis, that is the online Yale University Library catalog (Beinecke Library, Mce28 Is72 545 and Mck22 +489ac).

On Giovanni Battista Porcelli: Maria Pia Fantini, Lo Scriniolum di fra Giovanni Battista Porcelli (1612): da un archivio di lettere alla formazione di un manuale, pp. 199-256, in L’inquisizione romana: metodologia delle fonti e storia istituzionale. Atti del Seminario internazionale, Montereale Valcellina, 23 e 24 settembre 1999, a cura di Andrea Del Col e Giovanna Paolin, Trieste, Università, 2000; Ugo Rozzo, I fogli volanti a stampa e la censura libraria nel secolo XVI, pp. 55, 70, in Dal torchio alle fiamme. Inquisizione e censura: nuovi contributi della più antica Biblioteca Provinciale d’Italia. Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Studi Salerno, 5-6 novembre 2004, Salerno, Biblioteca provinciale, 2005.

On Boniforte degli Asinari: R. Segre, Neophytes during the Italian Counter Reformation: identities and Biographies, p. 140, in Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, II, Jerusalem, World Congress of Jewish Studies, 1975.

On Girolamo Carato: M.P. Fantini, p. 225; item “Asti” by Vincenzo Lavenia in Dizionario storico dell’Inquisizione, vol. I, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale Scuola Normale Superiore, 2010, p. 110; Gigliola Fragnito, La censura espurgatoria e le opere del cardinale Gasparo Contarini, p. 178, in Storia sociale e politica. Omaggio a Rosario Villari, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007; Hannah Marcus, Forbidden Knowledge. Medicine, Science, and Censorship in Early Modern Italy, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2020, pp. 49-50; website Libri Ebraici a Corte,

On Jacob Espinoza (presumed): Steven Nadler, Spinoza. A Life, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 28-29, 32-34.

On Jack V. Lunzer: Alice Pedrazzi, Il “conte” di Valmadonna, “La Stampa”, 15 February 2009; Allison Hoffman, Treasure Trove. How is it one of the greatest collections of Hebraica ever assembled can’t find a home?, “Tablet. A New Read on Jewish Life”, 9 November 2009, <>.

A note from Fabrizio Quaglia: I thank Dr. Alexander Gordin, paleographer and staff member of the National Library of Israel, for helping me render some of the Hebrew signatures on Fordham’s copy of Abudarham. Dr. Fabio Uliana, Office of Ancient Funds and Special Collections, Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria of Turin, for sending images of BNU books, and Dr. Alberto Palladini, Archivist of Archivio di Stato di Modena for checking for me the list of Leon Poggetti’s books, where this document is located.

Fabrizio Quaglia is Hebraica and Judaica Consultant. His last publication is Il recinto del rinoceronte. I giorni e le opere degli ebrei ad Alessandria prima dell’emancipazione del 1848, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2016. Editor of MEI: Material Evidence in Incunabula Editor: